We are having fun having our Uncle Daryl and our cousin Natasha here with us. They brought us some yummy Cheerios (which we have yet to find for sale here in Colombia), 300 Dum-dum suckers (which we shared some with our 3 pastors so they can pass them out to the children in their church), a nice sticker book for Elijah and I, some stickers for Kimberly and Sarah, some goodies from Gram, (Some Easter goodies that we don't know about yet, Mommy has them hidden =), Mommy's maternity clothes, our Schoolwork for next year, and some scrapbooking things for Mommy, some prenatal vitamins and Barley green, and some books and CDs that Daddy had ordered. It was like Christmas in March. =D
Natasha is being a big help to Kimberly and Mommy. She is helping with laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of Elijah.
God is helping Uncle Daryl as he teaches the classes at our church here! We cannot believe that our week with them is already more than half over. They will be leaving us before we know it. =( But...we'll not think of their leaving, we'll enjoy them being here and make good memories to enjoy after they are gone!
posted by Noah (and Mommy=)
I like your pajama picture, Noah! I am always happy when I get to see pictures of you.
And, I love this second blog of your family's. It lets me know more about what is going on in your lives. And, it's fun hearing things from our grandchildren's point of view.
Grandma D
I enjoyed getting to come and help you all out SOO VERY MUCH! We had a lot of fun!
I miss you all lots.
Love your cousin,
CUTE Noah!!!
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