Our Ministry

Missionary Support Address:
Phillip Dickinson
C/O Global Holiness Mission
PO Box 511
Maineville, OH, 45039

Check Memo (for gifts): Phillip Dickinson

As God wills, we are working in or soon will be working in four South American countries: Argentina, Colombia, Peru, and Uruguay(Double click pictures below to enlarge)  In Colombia, we are presently serving in three cities of Colombia -- Bogota, Cartegena, and Medellin.  We work under the auspices of Global Holiness Mission, which is the mission arm of the Christian Nation Church

Jimmy & Farly Ramirez w/daughters
Jimmy Ramirez is the National Leader in Colombia.  He with his wife Farly and their two daughters are pastoring the Christian Nation Church (CNC) in Bogota.  Bogota is the capital city of 9 million.  Along with pastoring and supervising the other churches of Colombia, the Ramirezes also run a faith work -- a Christian day school teaching poverty stricken children for free in barrio Paraiso.  (pic below)

Poor barrio Paraiso - location of Jimmy's faith work.

Bogota, Colombia

Rigoberto and his wife Ilse are the lay leaders of the CNC in Cartegena...  Colombia's 5th largest city.
Rigoberto & Ilse (couple on left) in Cartegena church.
Cartegena.  Church is more inland in the residential area.


Alberto with his wife Alba is pastoring the CNC in Medellin.
Alberto & Alba studying in the "Instituto Biblico" classes.

Medellin.  Colombia's 2nd largest city in an Andean valley.

God called us to Colombia in 2004, and after studying Spanish in Costa Rica for a year, we moved to Colombia in 2006.  God has done great things here and we look forward to much more.
(L. to R.) Rigoberto & Ilse, Heather & Phillip, Jimmy & Farly, Alba & Alberto
Now with a call to Argentina and with ministry begun in Peru, more ministry trips are planned into Peru and Argentina.  We began working in Argentina in October, 2011, while living Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Picture I took in downtown Buenos Aires, Argentina, the metropolis has over 15 million souls.

This is Lima, Peru, a dangerous city and the 5th largest city in Latin America with a population of around 9 million.  We need God's wisdom for Peru.  We are reaching out to key Peruvian contacts with preaching, discipleship, prayer, and providing of sound Biblical and holiness resources.  June, 2011, Peru voted in a Communist president, so we never know when this door of opportunity could slam shut as China and Cuba did years ago with the rise of Communist leadership.  
A poor barrio in Lima, Peru.
As much as possible while living in Argentina, plans are to make monthly ministry trips into Montevideo, Uruguay.
Picture I took in Uruguay's capital city, Montevideo.  Nearly half of Uruguay's population lives in this one city.

A week of classes for building up the body of Christ.
Mission work continues with Bible classes and training of nationals, joint ministry and trips with our national leaders involving preaching, teaching, and training, ministry and discipleship in the local churches, having nationals in our home, providing Biblical and holiness resources, and more. 

Daryl Hausman (right) teaching with interpreter.
Bible_Institute classes are being coordinated with our mother church's pastors and missionaries.  Daryl Hausman with his family labored in the harvest in Russia and Romania and is currently teaching international students at Wright State University, OH and serving with Christian Nation Church.  Daryl coordinates field education with Global Holiness Mission.   

There are so many poor lost wretches needing Christ.  Help answer Jesus' only prayer request to us, "Pray ye the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers."

Much prayer is needed.  Resources are needed.  Laborers are needed to answer the call and go.  You have read Our Part Of 'Go Ye' in Christ's church today in this sinful world.  What is your part?  

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