Believing: Saving faith vs. false damning faith
Lord’s Day Observance:
How it has been observed/ how not, what day, how to profane, etc.
Jewelry and Adornment and gold and pearls, and costly array, etc
Dress: Skirt on woman & Pants on Men
Modesty, Covering Body
Worship: Motive, How, Perspective, How Not
Music Style in church.
And were some instruments or styles profane or prohibited?
How to Preach
The Coming of Christ
The Coming of Christ
Manifestations, Visions, Fainting, Falling, Dreams, Prophecies
Long Hair on Women / Short Hair on Men
Training of Children
Promises to the Godly parents
Personal Devotions and Discipline
Family Altar
Praise / Shouting
Plenary Inspiration / Inerrancy of the Bible
Bible versions vs. Bible perversions
Ministry, Missions, Evangelism, Preaching
Best way to serve God's kingdom in this present age: Politics, Ministry, Riches, etc.
How to keep our youth from deserting the church. Right way vs. Wrong way.
Seeking to Impress / Charismatic Mindset & Ministry:
Glorifying God vs. Glorifying, Loving Bigness and Methods, Lights, Glamour, Handling
Snakes (Like the Pagans do), Seeking to impress the world vs. Confronting the world
Check back in the future. And please feel free to help me and send me via e-mail, ideas, quotes,
verses, references, stories, questions or thoughts to add to this list or to support any of the
listed topics. E-mail me ideas using the "Contact Me" tab.
Thank you,
Phillip Dickinson