Monday, July 30, 2012

What happens when a young person intercedes...

I believe that those Christians who spend their time and strength in intercession are doing a more valuable work than those who are too busy doing "great things" for God to take the time to intercede.  This "knee work" lays the proper foundation for a life of obedience with results given by God. 
Without the struggle to leave its cocoon, the butterfly would never have the strength to fly in life.
Some Christians spend their lives busy for God and then near the end of their days they finally take the time to intercede.  Great indeed is the young person who forsakes all youthful busyness in order to bear the yoke of intercession in their youth.  His/her life is marked and blessed eternally due to interceding before God.  And they bear fruit early which other gifted young people never see in a lifetime. 

Young person, let me beg of you, please carve out time and learn to spend much time with God in prayer.

The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. 
It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.  
(Lamentations 3:25,27) 


Anonymous said...

Phillip,Each one of these last four posts are really good. I copy & read them to some of the people I'm in contact with daily or weekly. God has given you a keen spiritual mind, Im thankful for that as some of your sharings really feed the soul & are good spirtial guidance. Heed your own words as they will keep you close to the spirit of God. I love & miss you & your family. May God bless & keep you guys. Uncle Scott

The Dickinsons said...

Dear Uncle Scott,
Thank you so much for your gracious words. We love you all very much and of course affectionately pray for you all. Please continue to hold us up before God in prayer. We want God to hold our feet to the fire, keep us from falling, and help us to always practice what we preach.
Sincerely with love,
Phillip and family

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