five days, and this time with Pastor Alberto family in Medellin. Some pics and a quick rundown are in order.
I left home for 10 days to split the time between the churches in Medellin and Cartegena preaching and teaching. Today I left Medellin for Cartegena so here are the pics of the first half of the trip.
Emanuel (6 years old) and I. He is Pastor Alberto and Alba's youngest son. |
These trips are always difficult but enjoyable. I always enjoy what God teaches me when serving our Colombian brethren.
Their oldest son is about 16 I think. A year or two ago he said that he wanted to play the guitar. So he is teaching himself and doing a good job of it. He's a good student and wants to take his daddy's place someday as pastor. He's trying to serve God; pray for God's protection and blessing in his life. Actually pray for the whole family. |
I saw a great sign on the door to their kid's room. "Awake thou that sleepest, and you'll be given light. Ephesians 5:14" I
think I have the reference right. Anyway that was their paraphrase of the verse.
Pastor Alberto, his wife Alba, and their daughter Natay. Here in their home they make clothes for a living. While there this time, they were working on about 400 plus boys long sleeve button up shirts. This is how they support themselves. Thanks to some of you supporting us we were able to help get them set up with commercial equipment in the past. They do professional work both as seamstress and tailor. (More pics of their work perhaps in the future.) But they only make around 2 dollars profit per shirt. |
We also did pastoral visits. I wish I had pics to explain the poverty, but the camera stayed at home with Heather. God gave us a thrilling time as we confessed Christ, his saving power, and prayed together!
A picture in front of the machine we were able to purchase for them thanks to you. Natay (19 years old) is peeking around the corner. Pray for her. She gave her life to God and is growing. Pray that God blesses and protects her spiritually and in every way. She and a young man here share affection for each other, help us pray for God's will please. |
After sewing the clothes they snip off threads, neatly fold them, attach tags, and then bag each item in celophane. (Pardon the spelling, I can't remember how to spell that, and this blog spell check won't switch out of Spanish. Feel free to comment on any corrections in this post and I'll correct it.) |
While getting ready to start service Pastor Alberto entered the sactuary early to pray. |
His wife Alba soon joined him in pre-service prayer. Also, they are early risers. His is often up during the night to pray and she usually up before 4 am to spend a good time with God in prayer and Bible before starting her day with her family and sewing. Alberto sews too, when he isn't out or studying. |
Here is a pic someone took during the service. ( Pardon the quality of all the pics, someone loaned me these pics.) |
Earlier I mentioned these trips being difficult; here's what I meant.
It's always hard to leave my family alone with my wife to care for
our five children, homeschool, etc. alone. But Heather goes on anyway with such a
cheery, sacrificial, selfless, and hardworking attitude. God has
blessed me tremendously with Heather. I love that dear lady so much. Pray for her right now please.
Alberto, a sanctified man, asked me to preach and teach on holiness the whole time. This was the last service and God blessed us with His presence and help in a special way. |
And now Heather packs for yet another move. A move to another country. A move to where we have no home. . . yet. A move to keep dragging suitcases, children, and school work along. And sunshine too; she brings a smile and happiness to my heart, our children's hearts, and to everybody else's hearts. God has used her to brighten a lot of night around this wide world.
This was a precious time of tears and calling upon God. Different ones testified to God specifically working in their lives. I believe it. They testified to God showing them light on specifics in their lives, specifics God wanted changed. |
Please keep praying, for tomorrow we start classes and preaching again. I so need God's wisdom and annointing. And then next week I get to go home to my dear family. I love my job as daddy and husband. So the first thing I plan to do is just to be there for whatever needs they have. Then Argentina. So we must keep packing.
Thank you so much for this post; for sharing with us a few of the burdens and experiences you are having. We are certainly praying for all of your family. Thank you!
Awww! What a sweet post. Sarah told me today that we needed to post something on our blog, but I was in too much of a hurry trying to make cookies to take to church to celebrate little Mary's birthday today. =) Glad you were able to post.
Thank you for your sweet words about me. I love you tooo TONS! Hurry home...we all miss you! =)
It seems like Alberto is running a good and disciplined home. It's a blessing to see their industry and their committment to God. And how hospitable of them to let you stay with them for an entire week.
I'm happy that you appreciate ALL THAT YOUR HEATHER KEEPS UP WITH TO KEEP YOUR HOME RUNNING SMOOTHLY. I can hardly believe that it's almost time for you all to go to Bueno Aires. Love, Mom D
Thank you much for your prayers.
Dear Heather:
I love you much. I missed you all. Glad to be home again.
Dear Mom:
Thanks for your note. Love and Miss you and Dad.
Glad you made it home safely. We are so glad that Jesus blessed your efforts on this trip! We are praying for all that your hearts are facing here in the next few days! We are asking Jesus to GO BEFORE YOU AND MAKE A WAY where there seems to be NO WAY! As in you've no clue where, when, what etc yet! Love you all much, Laura and Family
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